Wednesday, November 16, 2005
She's a Beauty!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Mary is the best...

Visiting Mary was amazing. Even though we don't get to see eachother often, everytime we get together we just pick up where we last left off. I always have fun with her, and it was also great to catch up with Uncle Bill and Aunt Patty as we sat around a fire. They have always treated me like one of their own kids. I'm so lucky to have them.
Mary has just broken up with her boyfriend, so we enjoyed a little "retail theapy". Since I do so much of my shopping with Brian, I forgot how much fun it is to shop with another female (plus, it's a little easier to splurge). Mary and I share so much in common that it's so assuring and wonderful to have her as a friend.
Lexington in Crisis

Like out of a movie, a house in Lexington exploded due to a gas leak on Wednesday, November 9th. The house on Hancock Street is less than a mile away from us. The strange thing was that I saw out of my office window, miles away, some heavy smoke coming from the area that I thought was Lexington. Up until now I wasn't exactly sure where Lexington was in my view. I called home to see if our answering machine picked up...relieved when it did confirming that our house was okay. An hour later Brian sent me a news story that explained what happen. It's weird to have something so serious happen in "your own backyard".
The explosion was due to a high pressure gas released into a low pressure pipline. The gas company admitted that it was their mistake, and immediately turned off the gas in our neighborhood. Holes, like the one pictured, were dug up all over town as Keyspan has been trying to restore service to everyone. Not only did we loose heat, but also hot water and our stove. It was a good thing I went out of town to Columbus for the weekend, because service was not turned back on for us until Saturday afternoon. It makes you appreciate your hot shower in the morning a little more!