Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Yeah for Spring.

I am always excited at the beginning of each new season. I love seeing the change, and spring certainly has lots of new things too see. That new green color that you see as trees start to grow leaves is just awesome. Is there a better color in nature? I also adore the flowering trees that look so graceful. Isn't it amazing how a tree that just blends in for most of the year has one brief week in the year where it just stands out like nothing else? If Nature isn't god, then I don't know who is.

Friday, April 22, 2005

It's never simple.

So all week long I've been meaning to get around to posting some pictures of the bathroom renovations that we've done. My friends are probably sick of me talking about them all winter. Anyways, I knew I had some before shots on our computer at home that I thought I could grab on my way out the door this morning. Well, it's never that simple. Turns out the pictures were taken in raw mode, and I didn't know how to open them. I was getting frustriated, FAST. I just wanted it to be a simple chore, yet I lost my cool and turned it into a whole big production. I don't know why I got upset. It makes me mad that I did. Brian must think I'm a crazy woman. Why can't I just learn that not everything goes smoothly? I'm not good at handling bumps in the road. How do I fix that?

So I'm bored at work today and I'm reading blogs of other women who are into scrapbooking. Man, these women have a lot to say. I never say anything deep or thoughtful. I feel so depressed about it. Is there something in life that I'm missing? I sit in front of a computer all day. I never feel like going home and reading some heavy, thought provoking book. Is that so wrong? I think I watch too much tv. Maybe I don't challenge myself enough.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Bathrooms DONE

Well, after spending almost every weekend since the first of the year doing something in one our two bathrooms, we can now offically label them done. This past weekend we sealed grout and bought excessories. There isn't anything else I want to do for them. It is a relief to have them done, and really, we now have the house looking the way we want. Kind of a coincidence considering this past weekend is the anniversary of the weekend we sold our old house. Now year later, after lots of hard work, we can go back to relaxing. :)

Something funny to note about the newly remodeled upstairs bathroom is that Brian HAD to take a bath while the shower curtain rod was down one weekend. Now he actually elects to take a bath - and even had me buy some fancy bath oil to put in his bathwater. I don't know why I'm so amused by him liking to take baths now. I love them too - even Dad enjoyed using our big cast iron tub when he came to visit last summer. I must admit it is much nicer to relax in the tub now that the bathroom is looking more serene and calm.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

First Entry

Well, I'm not really sure what to expect with the whole Blog thing. I guess I like the idea of keeping a journal, but have never been disciplined enough to do it. Since I have a lot of down time at work, maybe this is a good solution. Because I like to scrapbook, this might be a good reference to stuff that happened that I may later scrap about.

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