Thursday, August 11, 2005

A Confession

On my desk next to my computer sits this radio. I use it everyday. Not for music, not for news, not for intelligent programming on NPR, but to listen to Howard Stern. Yes, I admit it. I like Howard Stern. I know what you are probably thinking...he's so crass and degrading to woman. I used to think that myself, until I actually started listening to him. His show is fun, witty and totally entertaining. He touches on all kinds of topics and has actually opened my eyes to a lot of political stuff. I don't take the show seriously, it is entertainment after all. While I could skip the stripper antics, I find the frank honesty of Howard and the other personalities on the show to be a great change of pace. It's fun to know that someone's words can put a smile on my face, because let's face it, we could all stand to have a good laugh at least once a day!

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